Julian Dunkerton is a finalist in The Soil Association's Best of Organic Market (BOOM) awards for Organic Ambassador.
Our history begins in 1980 when Ivor and Susie Dunkerton made the decision to escape London and buy a small holding in Pembridge, Herefordshire. They realised that with such a small amount of land they needed to specialise in some form of agriculture and spotted that traditional cider making presented a fantastic opportunity. They wanted to make cider without using concentrates or chemicals therefore working with what mother nature had to offer, using the land and eco system to help them produce pure fruit cider apples and perry pears grown in their own orchards at Pembridge. By 1988 Dunkertons Cider had been awarded Soil Association certification as both grower and producer for their commitment to environmental values.
Growing up at Dunkertons Organic Cider Mill in Herefordshire had a major impact on Julian Dunkerton. Taking over the family business in 2014, he’s continued supporting traditional fruit growers to produce certified organic cider and perry.
As co-founder of Superdry, Julian’s passion for organic plays a major role in his vision for the company’s future. Superdry is currently supporting over 1,800 farmers to transition to organic farming methods, cultivating land across India. Superdry aim to convert 100% Pure Cotton garments to organic or organic in transition by 2025, and aim to convert 20,000 farmers to sustainable organic farming practices over the next 4 years.